Not only is today Halloween but it is also Aunt Lynn's birthday. Of course, what else would a little girl adopted from China be for her
Olivia was so cute in her ladybug outfit. We went trick-or-treating around home on Sunday and at first she seemed very overwhelmed and confused as to what we were trying to accomplish. But, it didn't take long for her to figure out all she had to do was stand in the doorways, pick out whatever candy she wanted and move along to the next house. After the first few houses she caught on though and was practically trying to run to the next front door. She seemed absolutely amazed that she could just take some candy and leave, and people just handed out those sweet, chocolate, chewy goodies. She is really learning what a "sweet tooth" is.
Today we got dressed up again to stop in to see Aunt Lynn at her work to give her candy and a balloon to wish her a happy birthday. Aunt Lynn then took Olivia all around her workplace to show off and trick-or-treat. Again it took Olivia a little time to figure out what was going on but finally started to loosen up after getting a really good cookie with purple frosting and a sugar buzz.
I'll be trying to add some more Halloween pictures but for now......
Happy Birthday Aunt Lynn and thanks for the fun morning and all the Halloween treats!!