Steve and I will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary this year and it is hard to believe how fast the time goes by. It seems like just yesterday that I met this family and became a part of it. Now, Kyle is in high school and driving and Jenny is almost as tall as me while we could already share shoes since we wear the same size!
Little Olivia has completed us by brining all of our families together......Grandparents, cousins, aunts, etc. She has connected all of us
I bet when Kyle and Jenny met me for the first time they never imagined they would ever have a little sister someday but now none of us can remember what life was like without her. She is growing and changing so much everyday.
Olivia is starting to say a few more words now. "Elmo" comes out very clear and on Saturday she said "Papa" a couple times referring to Grandpa. She likes to go shopping but it doesn't take long before she wants to go "home"......"home". If she can't or doesn't want to say something she just says "da-da" or "ga-ga". She cannot (or will not) say Kyle or Jenny yet even though we work on that all the time. This really frustrates Jenny but I'm sure it will come soon.
I am beginning to read up on potty training just to prepare myself but I think that is way off yet. She won't be 2 years until June. Hopefully by then we will be much closer to completing that milestone. For now, we continue to learn more everyday with playing, reading and watching Baby Einstein.