Olivia is climbing up on everything now. I swear she grows and changes so much every day right before my eyes. Her favorite trick is to steal your seat as soon as you get up to get something. She runs for your chair or the sofa and climbs up as fast as she can while she is laughing the whole time. She has also mastered going up and down our basement stairs. They are all carpeted so that makes it a little easier for her. She prefers to turn around and slide down on her belly. I don't leave the basement door open for her to go up down as she pleases though and I'm always right there in case she slips but so far she has always been very careful. She always wants to help with laundry so that is when we practice going down to the basement. There is also a big ball down there that she loves to play with so all the way down the steps she keeps stopping to say "baw, baw".

Then, when she gets to the very last step she stops and holds up one finger. It is the funniest thing. This means "one more step to go Momma!" Then laughs and runs for the "baw". She also helps in the laundry room by pulling dry clothes out of the dryer and into the basket and then filling up the dryer by pushing the wet clothes in. She also wants to "help" when I fold the clothes and gets mad if I don't let her carry Jenny's clothes to her room. She also "helps" me put our clothes away in the drawers and closet and knows where everything goes. I'll enjoy these days while she still wants to help and thinks this work is fun.

She is quite a character and this week while leaving church people kept asking if she is always so happy and smiling all the time. Well, yes, she really is. She has her moments like any other kid but basically she is pretty easy going and happy. Lucky us!!