I'm always amazed at how animals can behave so much better around kids. Saturday was such a gorgeous day we decided to take Blazer for a walk. Of course, Olivia had to be in charge of walking him and holding on to the leash all by herself. I'm not sure who was leading who but Blazer was a very good boy.
Normally, when I walk Blazer he pulls and tugs and wants to go all over the place, trying to "hunt" through the tall grass, go toward the trees and always choosing the wrong way around the mailboxes so we get all tangled up.
This day, when Olivia had him he walked slowly and calmly and for the most part, in a straight line. He even went on the right side of the mailboxes for her. She loved it and thought she was pretty smart! I think Blazer enjoyed it too. She did fall after stumbling over her own feet twice and didn't know enough to let go of the leash when he kept walking but she didn't get hurt.
I've seen this with horses, dogs and even cats. They must know somehow to be careful around small children. Maybe they sense that the kids won't hurt them and they can run away easily if they need to. Blazer has always been the kind of dog you can trust around anyone. He has never tried to bite and never even growls at anything or anyone. Since Smokey has been gone he has become a most-of-the-time house dog and Olivia sits on him, gives him big hugs and he loves all of it. He is especially attentive at every meal time and waits pretty patiently until he hears Olivia say she is all done. He knows he gets to help clean up whatever is left. Every time she goes to bed she has to make sure she says "night-night Bazur" and gives him a hug. He has also started following me into her room when it is time for her to get up and if he doesn't come along she is asking me where he is.

They have become very close buddies and very attached. I think it is a good thing for kids to be around animals as young as possible to learn to respect them, take care of them and enjoy playing with them. She definitely gets that from Blazer and her kitty Misty too.