This week we also

His is a really nice kid and fit in as if he had been coming to our playgroup the whole time. He is thrilled to be with his new family in America and we are so happy for them.

This week some of the older girls in the school did their forensics presentations for the playgroup but it was a little advanced for the kids and they had a hard time paying attention for too long. Then they were off and running again through the gym chasing each other. It took me about 10 minutes to catch Olivia and drag her out when it was time to go. She didn't cry or throw a fit, she was just hard to catch. I even tried telling her I was leaving without her but she just waved and said Bye-Bye!
She always laughs and talks about playgroup all the way home.
I think she will do well when the day comes that I finally have to send her to school.