We ended the summer with a Sunday Labor Day party with the Pitz clan. Almost everyone on Steve's side was able to make it to our home for an end-of summer-cookout. We grilled about 10 pounds of beef tenderloin that turned out really good. Everyone brought a dish to pass and we were all in the mood for wine and beer and an afternoon of socializing. We had great weather and a really nice, relaxing time.

After dinner a group of us went for a walk and enjoyed the beautiful evening. After cleaning up some we all ended up on the back deck enjoying a fire in the chiminea, gabbing and making smores. Steve's nephew Josh played his guitar and it was just a really nice get-together.
Olivia was able to get her afternoon nap in before anyone arrived so she was ready to go for the rest of the day. She chose TJ, one of her cousins, to latch on to this time and wanted to hang around him and his sister Anna all day. They are very nice kids and put up with her all afternoon.

She even spent some time at night cuddling with with Grandma Pitz. The last of the crew left at about 11:00 pm and although we were tired, we really had a fun time getting everyone together again.