A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Have I Created ?!?!

I've created a 3 year old computer geek!

Since we now have decent Internet service where you can actually view sites I am able to bring up PBSKids.org. It really is a nice website that keeps updating with different games, learning and all kinds of information. All the shows and characters from Channel 10 are on there and each one has their own bunch of games and information.

I decided it might be fun for Olivia but didn't think she would get hooked on it. After one time of showing her how a few of the things work she has taken over and hardly needs help anymore. She sits in that chair and can navigate all around the website. How she knows how to do all this....I'm not sure. Somehow she knew how to click and drag and can follow all the instructions the site tells her. At first she had a little trouble getting the mouse just in the right place before clicking but now she moves and clicks like she has been doing it for years. She only gets nervous if she right clicks by mistake and brings up an unfamiliar menu. Then she still needs me to get rid of it so she can keep playing.
Now all I hear from her each day is "when you are making my bwekfast, can I pway on the compooter?" and then "when you are getting my lunch weady, can I pway on the compooter?"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day 2010 !!

Happy Valentine's Day. After baking heart shaped cookies at about 8:00 pm last night Olivia was ready to decorate them this morning before church. We were able, with Jenny's help, to get it done.

Olivia got some nice cards and some candy but the flowers she is posing with were borrowed from Jenny. Jenny has some nice friends that gave her flowers at school.

Happy Valentine's Day and spring is getting closer and closer!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Past......&.......Present

Since we have been busy rearranging things at our house lately we have also been in the mood for some Spring cleaning and reorganizing around the house to utilize storage space. During this we happened to come across a box of old--very old-- things from my past. I guess you could call them "ancient" or at the very least "antiques". In this box I found a picture that I remember very well. My Mom made sure I got it and we always thought it was one of the cutest pictures of me because at that time I smiled with my top lip curled up. It's hard to see in such an old picture but the fun part is that I still have that same dress that I was wearing. My Mom kept it all those years and had given it to me a few years ago so it was fun to come across it again.
You know...of course...I had to put it on Olivia. And I found it just in time because it took a little work to squeeze her into it. A few more months and she won't be able to fit into it anymore. I was actually able to button up the three buttons on the back but I'm not sure if it was as short on me as it is on her. I'm guessing the picture was taken in 1970 or 1971 at 2 or maybe 3 years old. Olivia is 3 1/2 right now and just barely got into it.

I thought it was a pretty cute photo opportunity and we had fun taking the pictures. It is hard for her to understand that the little girl in that picture is her Mom and that I actually fit into that dress at one time.
I'll take care of the dress and the picture and maybe she can put it on her daughter someday and take a picture, with both pictures.

Unfortunately our photo session had to end when
"Gizmo" her pet ferret was let out of his cage to get some exercise. He always goes right for her since she is the smallest and she went running down the hall with him trying to get her skirt. She loves every minute of it except when he nips a little too much. You can just catch his head in the last picture as she is making a run for it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Ollinger Reunion Lunch

The group of Ollinger "girls" got together for lunch again today and there were nine total this time. Every few months we all try to get together for a lunch visit for whoever can make it. Ages range from 80-something down to 3 1/2 and it is always a very pleasant time.

Olivia was as excited as always to get to be with Grandma and go to a restaurant. Even her Aunt Lynn took a little extra time from work to join us today.

Olivia ate well as usual and then went around the table showing off and goofing off with everyone.
Once again it was a nice visit and we look forward to the next time we can get together again.

Even I got to be in a picture with my daughter for once.
She is really starting to look like me don't you think?!?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Workin' With Dad

Olivia had a good time "helping" Dad put shelves in the closet of the new office. She had to wear her tool belt and put her tools in it to follow Dad back and forth. She even had to carry her little plastic drill around because that's what Dad was using. She had to make sure I was fully aware that she was "helping Dad"......"they were doing a lot of hard work"......"they were very busy".....and she is "very strong and can carry things for Dad".

Dad got to learn what it was like to try to get something done with a 3 year old two steps behind you asking hundreds of questions. I think his patience was wearing thin because at one point while she was in the closet I heard her call out to me "patience Mom, patience!"

They got the job done and it turned out really nice and will be a lot of added storage for office and scrap booking stuff.

I put this entry in just to test the new Internet service. I can't believe it took about 1 minute or less to load the picture when before it would have taken about 20 minutes just for one picture. I don't have to walk away and wait for it to finish anymore!!