What a great, but busy, Easter!
We started out our day early, as usual, with an excited 3 year old checking to see if the Easter Bunny came.
It took some time but Olivia (with Jenny's help) found all the eggs and Easter baskets. She was pretty excited when she looked in the entry way closet and found her basket with toys and waaayyy too much candy.
Then it was breakfast and off to church. After church we got home in time to have a little lunch and then it was off to Bob and Cindie's house.

The Pitz side is always fun. We don't see them real often so it is good to get together with everyone and party.
We had an egg hunt outside and took some pictures then went back in for their mid-afternoon dinner.

From there we had to pack everything up and head over to Aunt Lynn's house for more food, egg hunt, wonderful presents for Olivia to open from her Aunts and Grandparents and a great time visiting with everyone on the Manning side.
We ate so much all day it was nice to take a walk and take Olivia to the park nearby where her cousins were tossing a frisbee around for a while.
By 8:30 Olivia couldn't hardly function anymore so she gave everyone their goodbye hugs and kisses and we headed for home.

About 10 minutes from home Olivia fell asleep for the night. As we got home we pulled her out of the car and Steve placed her on the couch while we unloaded the car and brought everything into the house.....Olivia never woke up. Then Steve and I worked on changing her into her P.J.'s......Olivia never woke up. Then Steve and I got all the ponytail stuff out of her hair and he carried her to her bed. Olivia never woke up.
We were all very tired and Olivia was whining and crying through the night from being over-tired but was up at her usual 6:30 am Monday morning, ready to go again. All-in-all we had a great Easter and it was wonderful to get together with our families from both sides even if it was hectic.

This is what happens to a 3 year old after toooo much fun, toooo many presents, toooo much candy and noooo nap.
(We can't belive how fast she is growing and how long she looks on this couch!)