All three kids were so good all morning and through lunch and then they played together for a while after lunch. They got along great, as if they see each other every day. It was a great visit for us at Grandma and Grandpa's house because now the kids just take off and play together without us having to watch them or jump up every 5 minutes. We got to visit with Marilyn and catch up on news and how they are all doing. Eleanor seems to be right on track with Olivia. They both go to 4 year preschool and are learning so much. Wesley is 2 1/2 now and we couldn't believe how he ran around and was talking so well. None of the kids fought, cried, whined or had any problems. They sat and ate their lunch with us real well and when it was time for them to pack up and head back home nobody was ready to leave.
That means they all were having a great time but two 4-year olds and a 2 1/2 year old still need naps so by 2:00 pm we could tell they were getting tired and we all needed to get home for a nap.
The time always goes by so fast when we get together with them but we had a great time visiting and playing and look forward to the next visit.
After a quick nap at home we had to get to Olivia's soccer game where Grandma, and Aunt Lynn, Uncle Jody and cousin Katelyn came to watch.
It was a very busy but fun, great day!!