Olivia has been a bright star in our eyes ever since. She has grown so fast in the last four years and has blossomed into one of the happiest little girls I have ever known.
We celebrated with her today by planning sort of a last minute dinner outing to, of course, China Gardens restaurant. Even with short notice we were able to make it into a family party with Grandma and Grandpa and even her aunts, uncles and cousin Kate were able to come along to celebrate with us. In the afternoon she even got a call from her cousin Scotty from his new home in San Diego.
She is a very special little girl and her light, happy attitude is contagious. She had such a good time at the restaurant. She even ate some Chinese food and always wants to try the chopsticks. Although, once the cake was cut it was time to get rid of the chopsticks and dig in with a big fork. She was very proud and excited to tell everyone that SHE picked out her cake from Walmart and it even had Tinkerbell on it!!
Her cheeks have got to get sore from constantly smiling and laughing. What neat kid, always very easy-going and happy. We have all been blessed by this special girl.