Olivia will be 18 months old in a couple of weeks and is right on target as far has her development. She can feed herself certain foods either with fingers or with her utensils. She can still make a pretty big mess but loves to practice. She is also still very fond of eating just about anything. I'm anxious to find out what she weighs at her next doctor check up. She has a mouth full of teeth and can chew up a lot of things. She is very neat about carrying around crackers and snacks, biting them off and won't let even the smallest crumb remain on the floor.
She is so smart and learns so fast it is almost a little scary. She knows a handful of alphabet letters and can say them or their sounds. She has a bunch of words she will say but has not added many to that list lately. She knows exactly what we are talking about though when we tell her to get things or "play in your kitchen", "shut the drawer", "Be Nice To Kitty!!"
She and Misty still battle for attention but have fun playing together too. Since I've been sick she has not had any experience playing in the snow but I think she will enjoy it more next year when she is older and can tell me if she is cold or not. Right now I have no interest in trying to bundle her up enough to get into the cold and snow.
The progress with my Mono is getting better each day. I think the pneumonia is completely gone but the Mono continues to hang on. There is still a lot I cannot do and get very tired very easily but I can also tell there is progress and a light at the end of this tunnel. Soon I will be back to taking care of Olivia and the house full time. Hopefully by Christmas it will be much better and I can enjoy the holidays. Right now we just take one day at a time.
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