Olivia saw her first car race on Sunday, July 13th at Slinger Speedway.
Steve's company is part owner of one of the race cars. The driver is the other owner so Lagina Plumbing was the sponsor for the race this day. We got be the privileged ones in the pavilion area for the party with food and drinks. We could stay inside and watch through the windows if you didn't want to hear so much noise from the cars or we could sit outside on the bleachers with an excellent view of all the races. The driver of our car even took the time to come up and sign autographs for the kids. Olivia was very interested in his pen but got pretty shy when I wanted her to stand by him for a picture.
It was a busy day and Olivia missed her nap but she was a trouper and did really well anyway. She did her usual flirting and socializing. She also likes to try to keep up with the boss's son Joseph. He has a lot of energy but I was able to get him to sit still for a picture with Olivia. Maybe next year she will be able to keep up with him. She was not at all afraid of all the noise even when Steve took her down close to the race track. We took turns running after her and keeping her occupied while still keeping her from grabbing everything off of the food tables. Even though she was so tired she never had any kind of meltdown or anything. But she was ready to get to bed when we finally got home.

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