The best part though is to go inside the track when they are done and talk to the owners and see these beautiful animals up close.
As usual, Olivia didn't seem one bit afraid of them and even got a couple kisses from one of the horses.
One very nice owner invited us right over to pet his horses and we stood and talked with him for quite a while. We learned a lot about how much work it is to feed and train these big animals. You can tell the owners really love working with them though.
For being so huge they are really docile, friendly and gentle. It's a real treat to get up close to them.
Then Olivia tried her hand at riding! This is the first time on a pony by herself (of course I walked along). It was very cute....I asked her which horse she wanted to ride and she knew right away. She pointed to the furthest one from her but it had the same color/markings as the full sized horse she rode with me in Wisconsin Dells. I asked her if she was sure and she was determined to pass up all the pretty paints and went right for this little red/grey dappled pony. She loved it but for what you pay for these rides it should have been a lot longer. She wanted more but didn't make a fuss when I said we were all done.
She got to see sheep and goats, chickens, bunnies, cows, pigs and even got to pet a python. She isn't afraid to try anything.
For whatever reason, she especially had fun riding in the little kids train. Jenny went with her and she talked about riding in this on the way home. Everything she talked about on the way home ended with "Fun!".
The weather was perfect again and we all had a lot of "Fun!"
(Riding around in the "Toot-Toot Fun!")
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