A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Night Out

Olivia had another night to play with Grandma.

Steve and I had a fancy dinner to go to on Friday evening so Grandma came over to take care of Olivia.

Olivia loves to play with her so they had a great time and she is always anxious for "Manning" (Grandma) to play. Olivia can say "Gamma"....when she wants to but she thinks it is funny to always call her Manning. I'm not even sure where she learned that but it happened over the summer so instead of asking for Grandpa and Grandma.....Olivia calls them "Pappa and Manning".

She is talking so much more now, except for out in public, and says a lot of small sentences which helps her to be a little more demanding all the time. She has to be reminded to say please now instead of just "Momma, sit down now!"

There is nothing to update on the potty training. The only time she uses it is when I time it right and have her sit there for a while. She loves the treats when she gets it right but not enough to tell me she has to use the potty chair. We keep trying though.

So far the school year has been very hectic with Jenny in Soccer and Volleyball and now Confirmation classes. Kyle is in football so every night there is something going on.

More updates to come.....

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