A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, 2008!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving again this year. Everyone was able to make it to Grandma and Grandpa Manning's house for an early afternoon meal. There was so much good food and a lot of fun. It's so great to get together with everyone and Thanksgiving is a nice holiday to visit and relax without the commotion at Christmastime, although Christmas is always fun too just more hectic. I think Olivia will have so much fun at Christmas and we are really looking forward to it.
Olivia had a great time with all of her aunts, uncles and cousins. She is always shy for the first few minutes but warms up really fast and played-played-played. Since we ate early in the afternoon she missed her usual nap but kept going all day long.
She even got her usual second wind after dinner and ran around the house nonstop like she usually does at home. Poor Aunt Nancy had to keep running with her playing red-light, green-light. Olivia rarely recognizes a red light command. She did slow down to a walk for a few paces when Nancy tried to do a yell0w-light but then Olivia just squealed "faster, faster" and kept on running. It was hilarious to watch but exhausting for Nancy.
Olivia loves to see all of her cousins and they are all so good to her. She keeps going and going from one to the next and they all seem to enjoy playing with her.

There wasn't much luck this year with the deer hunting. Steve, Kyle and Jenny only brought home three small deer but it was Jenny's very first year for deer hunting and she did shoot her very first deer on Thanksgiving morning. Congratulations Jenny!!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa from all of us for a great day again!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Good going, Jenny!