A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What A SUPER Bowl!!

What a great way to end a very busy weekend with the Steeler's winning the Super Bowl. It was such an exciting game right to the end.

Our busy weekend had started already on Thursday with parent's night for Kyle's wrestling. Then Friday began a basketball tournament for Jenny which continued through the day Saturday while at the same time a wrestling tournament went on all day Saturday also so we were running between schools trying to catch as much as we could.
Then Sunday was an hour drive to Jenny's indoor soccer game and we got home with enough time to get settled in before the Super Bowl started.
Obviously course we were all cheering for the Steelers but Olivia had other ideas. She pulled out all the stops trying to keep the focus and attention on her. She brought out all the toys she could from her room and kept spreading things out all over the floor. She also tried to bring all the noisy toys out to play with those. We were persistent with her though and told her we all for once just going to watch the game and she would not be the center of attention for a couple hours. She finally settled for having her picture taken with the "Terrible Towel". That made her feel more included and she also likes to have the towel tucked into her shirt like a cape and she can run around the room like a super hero.
After a few busy days and late nights today we can get finally get back into our regular routine and she can get all the attention once again.....(until American Idol is back on of course).

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