A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two - Three year old beauties

We had a fun day yesterday with Marilyn, Eleanor and Wesley. This time we got together at Grandma and Grandpa Manning's house. The girls are growing up so fast and play together really well. Eleanor is still more petite than Olivia even though they are only a couple weeks apart in age. Eleanor is a few inches shorter and a couple pounds lighter.

Just for my own records....At Olivia's 3 year checkup she weighed in at 31 pounds (50%) and was 38" tall (75%)

Otherwise the girls are pretty equal as far as developing, what they like to eat or don't like to eat. They both love to talk your ears off and have a lot of the same interests.

They had fun playing at Grandma's house and running around outside for a little while. Blazer came along with us and Eleanor and Wesley were very curious about him too. A little shy to go up to pet him but always kept track of where he was.

It's always a lot of fun getting together with them but the time also goes so fast. All three kids still nap in the afternoon so they get tired soon after lunch time. We look forward to the next time we get together which will probably be in August when our adoption agency holds their annual summer picnic.

Don't forget about Eleanor's little brother Wesley! His is now 18 months old, walking around and getting into everything. He is the spitting image of his Dad, loves to eat and loves his big sister. He is also about the same weight as Eleanor and can hold his own pretty well.

Can't wait until we can see them again!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I LOVE that pix of the two girls looking at each other!!!