A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Past......&.......Present

Since we have been busy rearranging things at our house lately we have also been in the mood for some Spring cleaning and reorganizing around the house to utilize storage space. During this we happened to come across a box of old--very old-- things from my past. I guess you could call them "ancient" or at the very least "antiques". In this box I found a picture that I remember very well. My Mom made sure I got it and we always thought it was one of the cutest pictures of me because at that time I smiled with my top lip curled up. It's hard to see in such an old picture but the fun part is that I still have that same dress that I was wearing. My Mom kept it all those years and had given it to me a few years ago so it was fun to come across it again.
You know...of course...I had to put it on Olivia. And I found it just in time because it took a little work to squeeze her into it. A few more months and she won't be able to fit into it anymore. I was actually able to button up the three buttons on the back but I'm not sure if it was as short on me as it is on her. I'm guessing the picture was taken in 1970 or 1971 at 2 or maybe 3 years old. Olivia is 3 1/2 right now and just barely got into it.

I thought it was a pretty cute photo opportunity and we had fun taking the pictures. It is hard for her to understand that the little girl in that picture is her Mom and that I actually fit into that dress at one time.
I'll take care of the dress and the picture and maybe she can put it on her daughter someday and take a picture, with both pictures.

Unfortunately our photo session had to end when
"Gizmo" her pet ferret was let out of his cage to get some exercise. He always goes right for her since she is the smallest and she went running down the hall with him trying to get her skirt. She loves every minute of it except when he nips a little too much. You can just catch his head in the last picture as she is making a run for it!


Debbie said...

How fun! What a neat thing!

JoAnna Gentz said...

Ahhhh! That is adorable! I love it! I used to curl my lip up when I smiled too! Olivia looks too cute in the dress!