It turned
The church service was very nice and it was great to have so many relatives that were able to make it there and share it with us.
It is hard to believe that Jenny is entering high school next year and Olivia will be starting preschool.
We had a really nice crowd come out to the house after church. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the food. Jenny was very happy and thankful for the way her day turned out.
Olivia the party girl, of course, was thrilled that we were having another party at our house. She got to sit with her grandparents for the whole church service (which was really nice for Steve and myself - THANK YOU!). And then she was having a great time mingling and socializing with everyone all afternoon. She is quite the social butterfly and this time, for whatever reason, she decided Pastor Bauer was going to be her main victim.....I mean "focus" for the afternoon. She followed him around, sat on his lap, had to eat lunch with him, show him her room and chatted his ears off almost the whole time he and his wife were here. She is so funny. It is nice to see her so friendly with people and happy to talk and run around visiting with everyone.
1 comment:
Congratulation, Jenny!
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