Jenny and Steve joined the Civil Air Patrol about 3 months ago and this past weekend was her first assignment with her West Bend squadron.
They worked the whole weekend at the Manitowoc Air Show from Friday night through Sunday. She seemed to enjoy it. They got up close and personal with personnel from the Air force, etc. and close up looks at the many airplanes. Their work was basically standing along the lines of people doing a sort of crowd control. Keeping people back behind the lines. They looked impressive. They slept Friday and Saturday night in a hangar were provided with all their meals.
We went up on Sunday to watch the show. Olivia doesn't seem to quite understand yet why Jenny dresses in the clothes she does or what Civil Air Patrol is. But, she does know that any kind of show, fair, demonstration, etc. always seems to have some kind of games and rides for kids.
Dad made her look into one of the cockpits and tried to explain it all to her. Her response probably was "how long are we going to play the gaaaammes?!?" (translated means when are we going over to the games). If she said it once she said it a hundred times.
Finally I took her over to bounce and slide and ride for a while and after she won a big balloon hammer she was happy and let us sit and watch the rest of the air show. She actually likes to watch the airplanes too a little and the F-18's that storm by so loud they shake your body don't even bother her anymore. She just looks up and says "wow, that was loud....can I have some fish crackers??"
This weekend is the Milwaukee Air Show that we like to go see. This year the Blue Angels are making a rare appearance so it should be really good. If you want reserved seats right in the middle you have to pay but otherwise the show is free to the public. Jenny doesn't have to work this one but her squadron will be attending it together.
Finally I took her over to bounce and slide and ride for a while and after she won a big balloon hammer she was happy and let us sit and watch the rest of the air show. She actually likes to watch the airplanes too a little and the F-18's that storm by so loud they shake your body don't even bother her anymore. She just looks up and says "wow, that was loud....can I have some fish crackers??"
It will be interesting to see if she follows this interest through and actually is flying airplanes some day.
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