A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Friday, July 30, 2010

A New Addition....

Presenting the newest addition to our families, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa....."Sassy" (previously known as Rhino)

Since Toby died last October and Grandma and Grandpa had no more pets they have been trying to decide who was going to run the house. They just couldn't come to an agreement so it was time to bring in a new ruler and "Sassy" is the new lucky cat.

It was hard for everyone when Toby died but I guess time can heal and when someone was looking for a good home for their cat, Grandma and Grandpa were ready to take him on as their new pet.

Grandma picked him up and brought him home on Wednesday evening so, of course, we had to go meet him on Thursday. He is a great cat, only one year old, friendly, playful and very healthy. He fits right in and Olivia loves him too. She can't wait to go back to play with Sassy. Just watch out for those claws!!


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