It was a very busy weekend from Thursday through Sunday. Thursday we all went to Jenny's Civil Air Patrol Christmas party in the evening. On Friday we had the Children's Christmas service where Olivia got to sing with the whole school for the first time. All the classes did great. For a small school they were loud and you could understand everything they were saying and singing. It was one of the best services we have seen for a long time.
After the church service we came home and opened presents from each other. Olivia was so excited about Christmas and just like last year we almost forgot to put out Santa's cookies. I had to get her out of bed again this year to set up the Santa treats and milk.
Well, Santa did show up and Olivia came running in our room at 4:30 am....yes, FOUR-THIRTY IN THE MORNING....saying "Mom! Santa came! come and look, I can't believe it!"
She was wide-eyed and ready to open presents. Her teenage brother and sister were not quite as excited. I guess they forgot that they were little kids once. Gizmo was excited about the Zhu Zhu pets running around and kept trying to grab them to carry them away.
After opening presents and all that excitement we had to get to the 9:00 am church service because I played with the handbell choir. It was a beautiful service with the singing choir and the handbell choir. Unfortunately a little girl that was up at 4:30 am could only keep herself awake for about half of the church service.
After church it was off to Aunt Nancy's house for the afternoon/night. There Olivia got more presents from Grandma and Grandpa and her Aunts and Uncles. She loves all of her presents and had so much fun with everyone again. She makes all of her relatives take their turn playing with her and doesn't leave anyone out.
She was asleep in the truck almost before we were out of the driveway and was done for the night. The next day, Sunday, we had all the Pitz side over to our house where there was more visiting, fun and more presents for Olivia. She got a V.Reader from her Aunt Cindie that had her mesmerized for a while.
She slept for 11 hours on her new sheets/bedspread from her Aunts and Grandparents on Sunday night and now it is nice to have the week off of school to relax and play with all the new toys and games.
Merry Christmas to everyone and we are looking forward to the NEW YEAR!
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