Over the weekend Olivia had the stomach flu come up (literally) all of a sudden with really no warning on Saturday. She was much better on Sunday and was able to go to school on Monday. By Tuesday, when her school had a two hour delay, the preschool was cancelled and I was sooooo glad since the stomach flu was hitting me by 11:00 am. Jenny came home in tears after having the stomach flu in her school and Olivia was starting to develop a cough. Steve came home from work early to help us and he had his hands full running back and forth from bathrooms to bedrooms. Wednesday, thankfully, turned out to be a big blizzard snow day where we all stayed home and rested.
By this time Olivia's cough had gotten progressively worse so we decided to get her into the Dr. and I'm glad we didn't wait because we were able to get an antibiotic going right away. A negative test came back for influenza but he did hear a rattle in her right lung and decided to call it a "walking pneumonia". So I kept her home to stay warm and quiet for the remainder of the week and she has the weekend to rest and stay home also. Her cough is getting a little better each day so hopefully we can get back into the school routine next week.
She is enjoying spending her days at home with me watching her cartoons and movies and playing. The better she feels the more she wants to play and if she gets too excited she goes into coughing fits so she needs lots of rest to get over this. One more dose of medicine and hopefully this will turn around soon.
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