A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Graduation Party

We got a big job behind us with getting a double graduation party done on Sunday. Kyle and his cousin Cory both graduated this year so Nancy and I decided to have a party together. This worked out really great. Working together took a lot of pressure off of both of us and it turned out to be a really nice day for everyone.

Of course Olivia loved being with everyone again and even went right up to guests she didn't know to greet them as they arrived.

The party was at Nancy and Pat's home and they have a big house with lots of land and room so it was great having it there. They also have a swimming pool which worked out well for the hot-hot weather. Olivia loved the pool and a big "Thank-you" goes out to her sweet cousin Kate who took care of her the whole time in the pool and helped her to "swim". It was fun to be in the house getting dinner ready and still hear her laughing so hard playing in the pool. Her cheeks had to hurt from laughing and smiling again all day.

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