She is really growing fast so I try to get her into her cute outfits before she is grown out of them.
She is behaving better in church now as long as we keep a variety of things with us to keep her attention. Steve and I go through the routine of snacks, drink, coloring, playing with our jewelry, more snacks, more drinks, sending her over by Jenny, etc. until church is over and we have not heard much of what the pastor said but hopefully didn't disturb too many people around us. She has also been left with Jenny twice now while we go to communion and Jenny does such a good job with her, Olivia barely notices we are gone and is all smiles when she sees us coming back to the pew.
Here she is playing with Jenny, her dinner wasn't quite ready yet so they put Elmo in the high chair and fed him. Olivia thought it was hilarious as she loves to feed all of her stuffed animals and her babies and even her horses she rides. She also gets the cat brush out of the drawer ma
We have also officially begun the potty training stage. I told her when she "goes potty in her diaper" to come to me and say "momma potty" and point to her backside. She actually came to me the next time, although she just stood in front of me and whined, I asked her if that's what she did and she shook her head yes and went in her room to have her diaper changed. I am surprised at how much she really understands when I tell her things but I guess she is growing up so fast I can hardly keep up with her.
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