A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Annual Pitz Get-Together

This past Sunday was our annual get together with the Pitz side at the Timber Rattlers game in Appleton. Unfortunately each year there are a few less that show up for various reasons and we may have to try a different route to get everyone back together.
We had a good time as usual though. We had the whole Home Run Porch reserved for our group with food and drinks and a great game that the Rattlers won.
I sort of forgot to take a bunch of pictures so all I came home with were the pictures with us in front of the sign and Olivia playing in the playground. We never even got a group picture together this year.
Olivia had a lot of fun in the playground and in the bouncy house which also had a slide.

At one point she decided to try something new and go down head first. Obviously it didn't work real well but believe it or not she actually came up laughing even though she went "face first" all the way down the slide. After that she decided to go down on her butt which worked much better.
They have also built a new, huge sandbox for the kids which was right next to our reserved area so she got a lot of play time in and we had a nice time seeing a handful of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. that we don't get to see real often. Hopefully next year there will be a better showing.

1 comment:

JoAnna Gentz said...

Ooooo! That does look fun!