A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Class Trip to the Pumpking Patch

Friday was another class trip. This time to Ebert's Greenhouse for all kinds of fall activities. The 4K, 5K and 1st grades all went to Ebert's for the morning and had a great time.

The people at this place really go all out to entertain for the fall season, especially for kids. They had so many activities I couldn't begin to list them all.

First we started off in the story time building. Everyone sat on hay bales and listened to the "Farm Flu" story. They they led all of us through a maze that also told the same story. The maze was decorated with scenes from the story around each corner. I can't believe the work it must take to assemble all of this stuff.

From there we went into the craft building where each child got to decorate a gourd with eyes, ears, mouth, etc. Some had pigs, some had chickens, etc.

After that they led us to the hayride and took us all out to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin to take home. You can see Olivia in the picture way up at the front of the wagon. "Miss Independent" informed me that I should sit at the back of the wagon........

They also had a lady that played a banjo and sang songs for everyone going on the hayride.

After the hayride the 4K kids went to another building that had all kinds of learning/discovery stations. They had a good time playing in there and there was only one way in and out so it was easier to keep track of everyone in there.

From there we took them to see some live animals and they had the cutest playhouses set up. One was for Goldilocks and the Three Bears and there was a little red barn and some other cute things. All the kids were really good and by the time we got back to school at 11:00 am I think they were all pretty worn out from the cool fresh air and excitement.

It was a very special fun day!

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