It really has been a nice fall so far though. Great weather to play and run outside.
A few weeks ago Olivia and I were lucky enough to find the caterpillars that turn into Monarch butterflies while on a walk. We found two of them and only had to feed them for about 2 days before they formed their chrysalis. We had them in a container that we were able to take to school for all of Olivia's classmates to see and watch each day.
Finally the first butterfly came out and the class was able to release it outside the school. The second one had turned really black on a Friday and during the morning class it came out but wasn't ready to fly away before the kids had to go home. So, Olivia and I brought it home and released it in the afternoon. It was a really neat experience to see the entire amazing process from beginning to end. Olivia had a good time watching the butterfly before he flew away. She wasn't afraid to let it crawl on her.

And finally, Olivia's very first school picture was taken and I think it turned out really nice. She rarely poses easily for me to get a picture of her but now I know she can do it when she wants to.
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