A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

New, Faster Internet On The Way!

It has been a hectic first month of 2010 but some good things are coming out of it. We've been busy "spring cleaning" and changing things around in the house. Last weekend we spent fixing up the spare room/playroom downstairs to move Jenny into a new and improved "teenage" bedroom. She lost a window but gained two more closets. She is also excited about the privacy she is gaining (especially from a certain 3 year old that likes to hang out with her big sister).

Then this past weekend we spent transforming Jenny's old bedroom into a new office so we won't have to stand by a counter, cramped in by the computer. We will be moving the computer and everything that goes with that into the new office along with my scrap booking things. We also gain more storage with the closet in there and can actually use the room off the kitchen as a pantry rather than computer, odds and ends, junk, etc gathering place.

Also this next week we have people coming in to install wireless internet.......finally.......we are giving in. The dial-up service we have been painfully putting up with all this time has gotten too slow to even make it worthwhile so that will be exciting. I am looking forward to more updating on the blog with the faster Internet and won't have to sit and wait 20+ minutes just to upload one picture!! Stay tuned for an updated blog site and many more consistent updates!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcoming 2010 With The Pitz's

It's been a hectic beginning to the new year as you can tell it's been a while since an update. Although we have had better starts to past new year's we had a good time at Bob and Cindie's home on New Year's Day.
The holidays were pretty hectic but a lot of fun. All the Pitz's got together to bring in the new year and it was great to see everyone again. Olivia, of course, had a great time and always gets along with everyone. She always loves to chase around their two dogs and cling on to her cousins when she isn't flirting with everyone else.

Aunt Cindie and Uncle Bob gave her a play laptop computer with a mouse that she loves. She plays the games on it and has learned how to spell her name and also "Dad" and "Mom". She really learns things fast and just seems to soak up information. It is nice to get back into a routine and start looking forward to Spring coming back and we can then come out of hibernation.

Thanks Bob and Cindie for the gifts and the great day at your house!