A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Soccer Season

Friday night was the start of the new fall soccer season. Olivia is on the Black team this year and very excited to be in it. The first night is always focused on getting the shirts handed out and pictures taken so they practiced a little and played a little on a gorgeous Friday afternoon.

All the teams seem smaller this year with just 6 kids on Olivia's team. This is good because she will have more time to play and they only have 3 on 3 so she has to do more work than just chasing after the group of kids trying to get the ball.

She actually made her first goal! The whole group was packed in front of the goal with the ball but it was her final kick that actually got it in the net.

Lot's of fun and good exercise.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Full Day Kindergarten

And we're off to school. Today is Olivia's first day in Kindergarten and my first day home all alone in a long time. It feels very strange right now but I think I will get into the groove soon.

She was so excited for school to start, she was up and running around the house at 5:00 am this morning! I think it will catch up with her this afternoon and she will be getting to bed early.

She is growing so fast and changing so much my head is spinning today. I'm so thankful I have my Mary Kay business in full swing or I would be wandering around the house today running into walls.

And so, a brand new chapter in our lives has begun.....