A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pilgrims and Indians

Tuesday was the last day of school for Olivia before the Thanksgiving holiday. She and her class were the Pilgrims and came to school with dresses and aprons for the girls and the boys wore long socks and tucked their pants into them. Then at school they had made paper bonnets, collars and hats.

They had invited the Kindergarten and 1st grads "Indians" to join them in their classroom for a Thanksgiving "feast". They came together like the the first Thanksgiving and sang songs and re-enacted (as much as 4-5-6 years olds can) the first Thanksgiving.

They all looked so cute and had a great time while learning the meaning of Thanksgiving.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bethany in Hustisford Veterans Day 2010

Honoring all of our Veterans on this day, 2010

Thank you, oh Thank you men and women, brave and strong.
To those who serve so gallantly we sing this grateful song.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Halloween is almost a week past already, I'm finally getting some pictures posted from our busy weekend. First we got to celebrate Lynn's 50th birthday with a "Murder Mystery" Halloween/Birthday party on Saturday night. It was tons of fun at the party and getting all dressed up was a blast. We don't usually get that involved in Halloween celebrations but Lynn's party was a great excuse to do it and it turned out to be a great time. Happy Birthday Lynn!!

From there we had all the kid Halloween things going on after church on Sunday. Olivia was very excited to get her princess costume on and get out there to trick or treat.

We started off by walking in the parade they have to show off all the costumes. She was a little intimidated by all the costumes around her and wouldn't let go of my finger the whole time and had a pretty tight grip too.

Soon after that we met up with Joanna with Olivia's friends Emma and Cody (the princess and Cookie Monster!) They were all very cute together. It was the first time for Emma and Cody and they thought they had to eat the candy as they got it! It was funny trying to keep them moving to get more candy and trying to convince them they could eat the candy later.

Anyway, Olivia was much braver this year and marched up to every house and said "trick or treat" and "thank you". A couple times she saw a scary costume handing out candy and would try to hand off her treat bucket to me and say "here Mom, you go up there and get it". I told her if she wanted the candy she would have to do it.....and she did. Then she would preach the rest of the time about how brave she was to go up to the house "ALL BY HERSELF!" She was very good about it and had a great time.