A New Year

Follow our hectic lives with two teenagers and a very energetic 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dress up week

Olivia's school is off all next week for a spring break so this week they are dressing up each day and the 4 year old preschool is invited to participate also. Yesterday was "wacky day". Olivia thought it was pretty funny to wear her clothes inside out with two different socks and different shoes. It's hard to tell but I also had three braids in her hair with all different colored bands.

Today was also a day to look forward to since it was "pajama day". It turned out to be a perfect day for everyone to wear their PJ's since it is cold, cloudy, dreary and rainy outside. She must have been excited about wearing these outfits because she actually posed for the pictures this time. I also noticed that her stuffed tiger had to be in each picture.

Stay tuned for "dress up", "princess/Disney character" and "fake injury" days coming up.

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